Instructions for filing the FPL form

Instructions for filing the FPL form

(Flight plan filing instruction below is a shorter and simpler version of ICAO Doc 4444, Appendix 2.  For more details, please refer to the appropriate document.)

Item 7: AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION (maximum 7 characters)

Insert the approved call sign and flight identifier.



1) Flight rules (1 character):

Insert the appropriate flight rules, such as:

V - Flight operated under the VFR;

I - Flight operated under the IFR;

Y- Flights initially operated under the IFR, followed by one or more subsequent changes of flight rules, or

Z -Flights initially operated under the VFR, followed by one or more subsequent changes of flight rules.

For both Y and Z, the point where the flight rules change must be noted in the route of flight. 

2) Flight type:

Insert appropriate flight type, such as:

S - if scheduled air service;

N - if non-scheduled air transport operation;

G - if general aviation;

M - if military;

X -  if other than any of the defined categories above.

NOTE: If an X is used, a reason for special handling must be indicated in Item 18, preceded by STS/ indicator.



1) Aircraft number (1 or 2 characters):

Insert the number of aircraft, if more than one.

2) Type of aircraft (2 or 4 characters):

Insert the appropriate designator as specified in ICAO Doc 8643, Aircraft type designators. If no such designator has been assigned, or in case of formation flights comprising more than one type, insert ZZZZ, and specify in Item 18, the (numbers and) type(s) of aircraft preceded by TYP/.

3) Wake turbulence category (1 character):

Insert the wake turbulence category of the aircraft:

L – LIGHT, to indicate an aircraft type with a maximum certificated takeoff mass of 7000 kg or less.

M – MEDIUM, to indicate an aircraft type with a maximum certificated takeoff mass of less than 136 000 kg, but more than 7 000 kg.

H – HEAVY, to indicate an aircraft type with a maximum certificated takeoff mass of 136000 kg or more.



To facilitate the completion of Item 10, there is a drop-down window in the FPL structured form with the list of aircraft equipment and capabilities.

1) Item 10a – (Radiocommunication, navigation and approach aid equipment and capabilities)

Z (Other equipment carried or other capabilities) – If the letter Z is used, specify in Item 18 the other equipment carried or other capabilities, preceded by COM/, NAV/ and/or DAT/, as appropriate.

2) Item 10b (Surveillance equipment and capabilities) – Additional surveillance equipment or capabilities will be listed in Item 18 following the indicator SUR/.


• Item 13. DEPARTURE AERODROME AND TIME (8 characters):

1) Departure Aerodrome:

Insert the ICAO four-letter location indicator of the departure aerodrome as specified in Doc 7910, Location Indicators. If no location indicator has been assigned, insert “ZZZZ” and specify, in Item 18, the name and location of the aerodrome preceded by DEP/. If the flight plan is received from an aircraft in flight, insert AFIL, and specify, in Item 18, the ICAO four-letter location indicator of the location of the ATS unit from which supplementary flight plan data can be obtained, preceded by DEP/. 

2) Time: 

Insert for a flight plan submitted before departure, the estimated off-block time (EOBT). For a flight plan received from an aircraft in flight, the actual or estimated time over the first point of the route to which the flight plan applies.


• Item 15. ROUTE:

1) CRUISING SPEED (maximum 5 characters):

Insert the true airspeed for the first or the whole cruising portion of the flight:

Example: N0220 (which means 220 knots true airspeed)

2) CRUISING LEVEL (maximum 5 characters):

Insert the planned cruising level for the first or the whole portion of the route to be flown:

Example: F330 (which means flight level 330),

Example: A065 (which means 6500 feet altitude)

Example: “VFR” (for uncontrolled VFR flights).


For flights along designated ATS Routes:

If the departure aerodrome is located on, or connected to the ATS route, insert the designator of the first ATS route.

If the departure aerodrome is not on or is not connected to the ATS route, insert the letters DCT, followed by the point of joining the first ATS route, followed by the designator of the ATS route. 

Flights outside designated ATS Routes:

Insert points normally not more than 30 minutes flying time or 370 km (200 NM) apart.

Insert DCT between successive points unless both points are defined by geographical co-ordinates or by bearing and distance.

Use the conventions below: 

(1) ATS route (2 to 7 characters)

The coded designator assigned to the route or route segment.

(2) Significant point (2 to 11 characters)

The coded designator assigned to the point (2 to 5 characters). If no coded designator has been assigned, use one of the following ways:

- Degrees only (7 characters):

E.g. 46N078W 

- Degrees and minutes (11 characters):

E.g. 4620N07805W 

- Bearing and distance from a reference point:

E.g. DUB180040. 

(3) Change of speed and level (maximum 21 characters):

Insert the point at which a change of speed or a change of level is planned.





(4) Change of flight rules (maximum 3 characters):

Insert the point at which the change of flight rules is planned.



LN/N0284A050 IFR 



1) Destination aerodrome and total estimated elapsed time (8 characters maximum):

Insert the ICAO four-letter location indicator of the destination aerodrome as specified in Doc 7910, Location Indicators, followed by the total estimated elapsed time.

If no location indicator has been assigned, insert ZZZZ and specify in Item 18 the name and location of the aerodrome, preceded by DEST/.

2) Destination alternate aerodrome(s):

Insert the ICAO four-letter location indicator(s) of alternate aerodromes. If no location indicator has been assigned to the alternate aerodrome, insert “ZZZZ” and specify in Item 18 the name and location of the destination alternate aerodrome(s), preceded by ALTN/. 



Insert, if applicable:

STS/ - Reason for special handling by ATS, e.g. a search and rescue mission, as follows:

- ALTRV: for a flight operated in accordance with an altitude reservation; 

- ATFMX: for a flight approved for exemption from ATFM measures by the appropriate ATS authority; 

- FFR: fire-fighting; 

- FLTCK: flight check for calibration of navaids; 

- HAZMAT: for a flight carrying hazardous material; 

- HEAD: a flight with Head of State status; 

- HOSP: for a medical flight declared by medical authorities; 

- HUM: for a flight operating on a humanitarian mission; 

- MARSA: for a flight for which a military entity assumes responsibility for separation of military aircraft; 

- MEDEVAC: for a life critical medical emergency evacuation; 

- NONRVSM: for a non-RVSM capable flight intending to operate in RVSM airspace; 

- SAR: for a flight engaged in a search and rescue mission; and 

- STATE: for a flight engaged in military, customs or police services. 


Other reasons for special handling by ATS shall be denoted under the designator RMK/.

PBN/ - Indication of RNAV and/or RNP capabilities.

NAV/ - Significant data related to navigation equipment, other than specified in PBN/. 

COM/ - Indicate communication equipment and capabilities not specified in Item 10 a). 

DAT/ - Indicate data communication equipment and capabilities not specified in 10 a). 

SUR/ - Indicate surveillance equipment and capabilities not specified in Item 10 b). 

DEP/ - Name and location of departure aerodrome, if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 13, or the ATS unit from which supplementary flight plan data can be obtained, if AFIL is inserted in Item 13. 

DOF/ - The date of flight departure in a six-figure format.

REG/ - The nationality or common mark and registration mark of the aircraft, if different from the aircraft identification in Item 7. 

EET/ - Significant points or FIR boundary designators and accumulated estimated elapsed times from take-off to such points or FIR boundaries. 

SEL/ - SELCAL Code, for aircraft so equipped.

TYP/ - Type(s) of aircraft, preceded if necessary without a space by number(s) of aircraft and separated by one space, if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 9. Example: TYP/2F15 5F5 3B2 

CODE/ -Aircraft address (expressed in the form of an alphanumerical code of six hexadecimal characters). 

DLE/ - Enroute delay or holding, insert the significant point(s) on the route where a delay is planned to occur, followed by the length of delay using four-figure time in hours and minutes. Example: DLE/MDG0030 

OPR/ - ICAO designator or name of the aircraft operating agency, if different from the aircraft identification in item 7. 

ORGN/ - The originator’s 8 letter AFTN address or other appropriate contact details, in cases where the originator of the flight plan may not be readily identified. 

PER/ - Aircraft performance data, indicated by a single letter.  

ALTN/ - Name of destination alternate aerodrome(s), if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 16. For aerodromes not listed in the relevant Aeronautical Information Publication, indicate location in LAT/LONG or bearing and distance from the nearest significant point.

RALT/ - ICAO four letter indicator(s) for en-route alternate(s), as specified in Doc 7910, Location Indicators, or name(s) of en-route alternate aerodrome(s), if no indicator is allocated. For aerodromes not listed in the relevant Aeronautical Information Publication, indicate location in LAT/LONG or bearing and distance from the nearest significant point.

TALT/ - ICAO four letter indicator(s) for take-off alternate, as specified in Doc 7910, Location Indicators, or name of take-off alternate aerodrome, if no indicator is allocated. For aerodromes not listed in the relevant Aeronautical Information Publication, indicate location in LAT/LONG or bearing and distance from the nearest significant point.

RIF/ - The route details to the revised destination aerodrome, followed by the ICAO four-letter location indicator of the aerodrome. The revised route is subject to reclearance in flight. Examples: RIF/DTA HEC KLAX RIF/ESP G94 CLA YPPH 

RMK/ - Any other plain-language remarks when deemed necessary. 



Insert appropriate information as given below:

E/ - insert the fuel endurance in hours and minutes.

E.g. E/0230

P/ - insert the total number of persons (passengers and crew) on board. If the total number of persons is not known at the time of filing, insert TBN (to be notified). 

E.g. P/005

Emergency and survival equipment:

R/ - (RADIO):

- cross out “U” if UHF on frequency 243.0 MHz is not available;

- cross out “V” if VHF on frequency 121.5 MHz is not available;

- cross out “E” if emergency locator transmitter (ELT) is not available.


- cross out all indicators if survival equipment is not carried;

- cross out “P” if polar survival equipment is not carried;

- cross out “D” if desert survival equipment is not carried;

- cross out “M” if maritime survival equipment is not carried;

- cross out “J” if jungle survival equipment is not carried.


- cross out all indicators if life jackets are not carried;

- cross out “L” if life jackets are not equipped with lights;

- cross out “F” if life jackets are not equipped with fluorescein;

- cross out “U” or “V” or both (as in “R/” above) to indicate radio capability of jackets, if any.


- cross out indicators “D” and “C” if no dinghies are carried or insert:

(NUMBER) - number of dinghies carried; and

(CAPACITY) - total capacity, in persons, of all dinghies carried; and

(COVER) – cross out indicator C if dinghies are not covered; and

(COLOUR) - insert colour of dinghies if carried.

A/ - (AIRCRAFT COLOUR AND MARKINGS) insert colour of aircraft and significant markings.

N/ - (REMARKS): - cross out indicator “N” if no remarks, or indicate any other survival equipment carried and any other remarks regarding survival equipment.

C/ - (PILOT) insert name of pilot-in-command.



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